Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy, Happy Summertime!

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Summer is finally here! 

It was a rather long winter and a rather short spring in Seattle, with rather more cool, grey days than usual.  Today the first day of summer promises to be at least 71 degrees (F) - practically balmy!  To celebrate, I offer a happy little tangle I named after Karl Blossfeldt, whose beautiful black and white botanical photography inspired this pattern.  I added the "1" because I hope to do more tangles from his images.

Do you see little welcoming arms?  They're welcoming warm summer days ahead! 


~ MoonAttic


Darkskye said...


I'll trade your 70-something for my 99+...

Moon Attic said...

Yikes! I'm afraid I'd wilt. But my kid sister is making a trip to your state soon. I'll see if I can slip some Washington weather into her suitcase to send your way!